Monday 12 March 2012

WAZZUB की ताज़ा जानकारी

"हमलोग" की ताक़त :

यह एक सच्चाई है: गूगल या फेसबूक जैसी कंपनी लाखों $$$$(डालर) कमाती हैं सिर्फ़ हमारी वजह से, इंटरनेट यूज़र इनकी सर्विस को यूज करता है! यह समय है समझने का कि, हम उपभोक्ता फ़ैसला लें कि कौन सबसे अधिक पैसा कमा रहा है! WAZZUB सही मानो में पहली गलोबल कंपनी है जो हम यूज़र्स को पे करने जा रही है सिर्फ़ इसलिए कि हम इसके होमपेज को अपनी पसंद बनाएँगे!

WAZZUB की ताज़ा जानकारी

WAZZUB की ताज़ा जानकारी के लिए इसके ब्लॉग को विज़िट करें,उपर
टॅब में क्लिक करें या इसी के उपर क्लिक करें
January Contest Top 20 Winners:
Congratulations to all of you!!!

लोगों को विश्वास ही नहीं होता:
             वो कहते हैं कि पैसा लगाकर भी नहीं कमा पाए, तो बिना पैसा लगाए कमाना तो असंभव है.... उनको विश्वास ही नहीं होता कि क्या ऐसा भी संभव है कि "फ्री" जाय्न करके और कराके क्या हर महीने, जिंदगी भर इनकम कमाई जा सकती है?????? जी हाँ, दोस्तों, यह बिल्कुल संभव है. कैसे??? आइए, इसको समझें......
ज्यादातर कंपनियों को ज्वाइन करने के लिए हमें जोइनिंग-फीस देनी होती है. इसका सीधा मतलब यह है कि हमारे पैसे से हमारे उपरवाले को इनकम दी जाती है और हमें मिलती है हमसे नीचे वाले की जोइनिंग फीस से. कहने का मतलब है कि वहां वास्तविक बिजनेस कुछ नहीं होता, और एक का पैसा दूसरे को देकर चैन चलती है..चैन रुकते ही सब ख़त्म !!! अब आइये यहाँ कि बात करते हैं......"वाज्ज़ब" आपको देगा अपने वास्तविक बिजनेस से कमाई हुई आय में से, सिर्फ तभी जब आप काम करेंगे..."फ्री" ज्वाइन करके 9अप्रेल तक काम करना है............. क्या काम है? पैसा कैसे और कहाँ से आएगा? आइये जानें... जैसा कि आप जानते हैं, "गूगल" पर हर व्यक्ति रोज़ आता है, जो 'इंटरनेट' इस्तेमाल करता है, यानि पूरी दुनिया का इंटरनेट ट्रॅफिक गूगल को नंबर 1 पर बैठा कर रखता है, इसलिए दुनिया का सबसे ज़्यादा 'एड' [प्रचार] का फ़ायदा उसे मिलता है. उसे इस मुकाम तक पहुँचने में कई साल लगे. चूँकि, गूगल को आज तक कोई चुनौती नहीं दे पाया, इसका पूरा लाभ उसे मिल रहा है, और वो खूब कमा रहा है....... अब, एक सेकेंड के लिए सोचो कि हम और आप यदि 'गूगल' / FACEBOOK etc. को इस्तेमाल ही नहीं करें तो??? यानि कि वो, हम सब की वजह से कमा रहे हैं. "WAZZUB" आपका नया 'गूगल / फेसबुक / ट्विट्टर इत्यादि' है, जो आपको वो सब तो देगा जो आप इनसे पाते हैं, साथ ही आपको हर महीने, जिंदगी-भर, एक इनकम भी देगा, जो आपके अपने प्रयासों से आप अपने लिए यहाँ तैयार करते हैं. "वाज्ज़ब" की नींव 2007 में पड़ी, अब तक 2 मिलियन डालर खर्च हो चुके हैं... बस अब "इन्टरनेट" के ट्राफिक कि ज़रूरत है.... जो व्यक्ति फ्री ज्वाइन करके 9 अप्रेल तक जितने ज्यादा लोगों को ज्वाइन करवाएगा, वे उसके पहले लेवल में शामिल होंगे. उसके पहले लेवल के लोग काम करेंगे, उस काम से उसका दूसरा लेवल बनेगा, इसी तरह से उसके पांच लेवल तक के लोगों से उसका बिजनेस शेयर [हिस्सा] बनेगा, जिसकी वजह से "वाज्ज़ब" अपने प्रोफिट में से उसे उसका हिस्सा उसे हर माह देता रहेगा. और अधिक विस्तार से समझने के लिए यह ब्लॉग पूरा पढ़िए व सारे वीडियो देखें.

"वजाब" को यूज़ करने के फायदे

"हमलोग" की ताक़त :

यह एक सच्चाई है: गूगल या फेसबूक जैसी कंपनी लाखों $$$$(डालर) कमाती हैं सिर्फ़ हमारी वजह से, इंटरनेट यूज़र इनकी सर्विस को यूज करता है! यह समय है समझने का कि, हम उपभोक्ता फ़ैसला लें कि कौन सबसे अधिक पैसा कमा रहा है! WAZZUB सही मानो में पहली गलोबल कंपनी है जो हम यूज़र्स को पे करने जा रही है सिर्फ़ इसलिए कि हम इसके होमपेज को अपनी पसंद बनाएँगे!

"वजाब" को यूज़ करने के फायदे

"वजाब" का होम पेज एक ऐसा नायाब पेज होगा जिसकी कोई तुलना नहीं हो सकती | "वजाब" का होम पेज एक आविष्कार है जिसके ऊपर 2007 से काम चल रहा है | आज तक पूरे वर्ल्ड में कोई एक ऐसा होम पेज नहीं बना जो एक आम आदमी को जीरो से हीरो बना सके , एक गरीब को करोड़पति बना दे ऐसा परफेक्ट इन्टरनेट होम पेज आज तक नहीं बना वो पेज बना रहा है "वजाब" तो इसकी तुलना इन्टरनेट बाज़ार में किसी और होम पेज से नहीं हो सकती

"वजाब" का होम पेज ही आपको कामयाब बनाएगा , यही पेज आपके व आपके परिवार के सपनो को पूरा करेगा , यही पेज आपको जीवन में खुशहाल करेगा | जो वजाब का होम पेज है वो भगवान् का प्रसाद है|

"वजाब" का होम पेज नायाब कैसे है ?

1. "वजाब" की संरचना (Composition ) : इस पर होगा सिर्फ एक ही पेज पर गूगल + फेसबुक + TWITTER + याहू + गेम्स + वीडियो + खरीदारी + आपकी रूचि के ताज़ा समाचार + कम्युनिटी एरिया + डील्स और शौपिंग पेज + न्यूज़ और स्पोर्ट्स पेज+ म्यूजिक और विडियो पेज + मजबूत सर्च इंजन+ आपके दोस्तों व रिश्तेदारों के संदेश+ आपके पसंदीदा वेबसाइट के लिंक + होम-पेज को इस्तेमाल करने पर कई "बोनस" व "गिफ्ट्स" | WAZZUB का होम पेज अपने आप में एक अजूबा होगा एक ऐसा अजूबा जो पहले न किसी ने देखा होगा न सुना होगा

2. "वजाब" को यूज़ करने के फायदे : WAZZUB का होम पेज हर कोई इसलिए

use करेगा क्योंकि उसे use करने पर उसको lifetime royalty income मिलेगा हर महिना| हर वो चीज़ WAZZUB में होगा जो अभी google, yahoo, facebook, twitter आदि sites में है और वो भी होगा जो इन sites में नहीं है जैसे की Dealpoints ! जब कोई भी member after launch WAZZUB की services को use करेगा तो उसे DealPoints मिलेंगे जो फ्री coupons में बदल जायेंगे जिससे फिर आप shopping, restaurants, vacations में उन फ्री coupons को इस्तेमाल कर सकेंगे|

3. "वजाब" को यूज़ करने की लागत : इन्टरनेट के बाज़ार में दूसरे होम पेज

जैसे गूगल,याहू आदि की तरह "वजाब" के होम पेज का यूज़ भी बिलकुल फ्री होगा

4. "वजाब" के होम पेज और इन्टरनेट पर दूसरे होम पेज में अंतर : इन्टरनेट

बाज़ार में जो होम पेज है उनकी तुलना में हमारे होम पेज में खास बात है की "वजाब" का होम पेज पेटेंट-पेंडिंग होम-पेज होगा मतलब ऐसा पेज जिसकी कोई नक़ल नहीं कर सकेगा | आज अगर हम 12 घंटे google या yahoo या facebook का पेज use करते है तो उसको use करने पर हमें कोई इनकम थोड़े ही मिलता है लेकिन WAZZUB देगा वो income सिर्फ अपना होम पेज use करने के बदले|


"हमलोग" की ताक़त :

यह एक सच्चाई है: गूगल या फेसबूक जैसी कंपनी लाखों $$$$(डालर) कमाती हैं सिर्फ़ हमारी वजह से, इंटरनेट यूज़र इनकी सर्विस को यूज करता है! यह समय है समझने का कि, हम उपभोक्ता फ़ैसला लें कि कौन सबसे अधिक पैसा कमा रहा है! WAZZUB सही मानो में पहली गलोबल कंपनी है जो हम यूज़र्स को पे करने जा रही है सिर्फ़ इसलिए कि हम इसके होमपेज को अपनी पसंद बनाएँगे!


FAQ's Banner
 What are Generations?
Your first generation is people you refer. The people they refer are your 2nd generation. The people the second generation refers are your 3rd generation. The people your 3rd generation refers are your 4th generation, and the people your 4th generation refers are your 5th generation. You don't get paid for anyone below the 5th generation. 

Questions about how to receive payments?

We will have different global and national payment solutions to pay you. WAZZUB is a global project so we will find the best way to pay you no matter in which country you live. Right now WAZZUB is building a team of international country managers, one for each country. They will give us all the info that we need to set up all needed options to serve all the members around the world. Our first payday is May 15, so there is a lot of time left to make it perfect and for you to build your WAZZUB Family. You can find this answer and most others on the WAZZUB Support page. Links to the FAQs, Blog, Facts, and Difference info (information) pages are also there. It is a valuable tool for you to use = education so you can teach others.
What is a reflink?
Your referral link (reflink) is the page you would direct people to for signing up. When you get on that page, also go to the upper right corner of your page. The link buttons there go to the Blog, FAQs page, Twitter page, a just for fun calculator, and the 'key' button on the right is where you would log in. Go to the information pages and the WUZZUB Support page and read all the material to fiamiliarize yourself with the program and so you can answer questions. From your log-in page there is a Support link on the bottom. You can post your link on your Facebook status using a cloaked link, share with friends, send emails to friends , link to other social sites you belong to. Share with family, friends, co-workers, class mates, etc. The more awareness the better. Don't be pushy and don't spend a lot of time with one person, just get the word out. Eventually they will be asking you to let them join you.
I just signed up as a member, now what do I do?
Put your referral link on your own wall in social sites, other groups you belong to, email people you know, friends, family, classmates, co-workers. Once you sign someone up, help them, and encourage them. Remember, the biggest numbers of people are in your lower levels=a Larger $Factor! Go to your referral page, Use the buttons on top to go to the Blog, FAQ, and other areas for information and ideas, including samples of letters you can use to send emails to people. Just remember not to send to people that you don't really know; that is called spam (unless you are using reputable safe lists). Because most places like FB,Twitter, MySpace, Your email accounts, etc. have rules and regulations on what you can do as far as how many emails you can send in one day, what kinds of links you can post and if you can post links, where you can post links etc.
~Be Sure To Read The Terms Of Service Of The Services You Are Using~
Don’t post your referral link on other people’s walls especially if you don’t know them or if they are already WAZZUB members. If they are your friends and you share your content with your friends in your settings, they will see it when you post it on your wall. VERY IMPORTANT- Always Copy and Paste your link, Never type it out unless you have no other option (then take care not to make a mistake such as changing the small L [ l ] to an I). That is the main reason people don’t show up on your referral list. If your link is wrong they won’t get added to your WAZZUB Family and they may not be signed up. Too many mistakes are made by typing the reflink. Please have your referrals open a Gmail account at [] if they don’t have one for their WAZZUB. Also be sure to remind them not to use the same password they use for anything else.
"How realistic is it to earn $1 per $FACTOR per month after launch?"
To be honest, it is very unrealistic for the month of April. We will launch our beta version on April 9 and there will be bugs and glitches that need to be corrected; that is why we call it "beta launch". May and June, as well, will be two important months needed to improve our system and to add more and more functions that our users like. So we expect July to be the first month to reach at least $1 per $FACTOR."
The Calculator:
The calculator is not to be used to figure out how much you can make based on your current $Factor. It is merely used to show the possibilities in a "what if" situation. The first box is used to put in how many referrals you say you 'will' get. The second box is where you put in how many referrals each and every person from generation one to generation 5 'will' get. So you see it isn't a real calculator for determining real results. It is only to show what could happen 'if' certain things were to occur. It is a fun calculator. Your $Factor is the number of referrals you personally have and all of every other member in your WAZZUB Family’s referrals down to generation 5. You would be paid for all verified members in your $Factor. So the more referrals you have, and the more referrals every one in your WAZZUB Family have the more money you can make depending on the multiplier for the month based on our profit. 
What about fake accounts? 

If they are fake they will simply be removed, They will be verified with address and banking information. For each fake ID a person would have to make up a fake profile and open up a fake bank account. Not only is that fraud, it could wind up causing a person to go to prison. So I would think it is much simpler to find real people than making up fake ones.

All unverified will be deleted automatically plus we can see if one IP address is trying to register many accounts plus some other ways. I won't post them here because I do not want to support the cheaters. But if we find a cheater, we will delete his account. The same we do with spammers.

All fakes will be deleted at the end of pre-launch and does not count for the $FACTOR. We will pay real money for real members.

One of my team Won the WAZZUB top 20 of JAN.2012/हमारे एक Team member ने जीता वॅज़ब का जनवरी का टॉप २० कॉंटेस्ट,

"हमलोग" की ताक़त :

यह एक सच्चाई है: गूगल या फेसबूक जैसी कंपनी लाखों $$$$(डालर) कमाती हैं सिर्फ़ हमारी वजह से, इंटरनेट यूज़र इनकी सर्विस को यूज करता है! यह समय है समझने का कि, हम उपभोक्ता फ़ैसला लें कि कौन सबसे अधिक पैसा कमा रहा है! WAZZUB सही मानो में पहली गलोबल कंपनी है जो हम यूज़र्स को पे करने जा रही है सिर्फ़ इसलिए कि हम इसके होमपेज को अपनी पसंद बनाएँगे!

One of my team Won the WAZZUB top 20 of JAN.2012/हमारे एक Team member ने जीता वॅज़ब का जनवरी का टॉप २० कॉंटेस्ट,

हमारे एक  डाइरेक्ट , माननीय श्री दीपक जी धामा ने जीता वॅज़ब का जनवरी का टॉप 20 कॉंटेस्ट, जनवरी माह का टॉप 20 कॉंटेस्ट में,595 लोगों को 12 जनवरी से 31 जनवरी तक, डाइरेक्ट जोड़ कर 10वा स्थान पा लिया हे! दीपक जी ने ये काम मात्र 20 दीनों में कर दिखाया !
आप भी कर सकते हैं और पा सकते हें फ़रवरी माह के टॉप 20 में स्थान,देर ना करें और शामिल हो जाइए इस  रेस में!
अपने डाइरेक्ट मे अधिक से अधिक लोगों को जाय्न कराएँ! देखें नीचे के स्क्रीन्शोट में

Note:Your $FACTOR contains both verified and not yet verified members. At the end of pre-launch we will delete all unverified members. Please contact your unverified members and help them to get verified.

WAZZUB is a Brilliant Concept

"हमलोग" की ताक़त :

यह एक सच्चाई है: गूगल या फेसबूक जैसी कंपनी लाखों $$$$(डालर) कमाती हैं सिर्फ़ हमारी वजह से, इंटरनेट यूज़र इनकी सर्विस को यूज करता है! यह समय है समझने का कि, हम उपभोक्ता फ़ैसला लें कि कौन सबसे अधिक पैसा कमा रहा है! WAZZUB सही मानो में पहली गलोबल कंपनी है जो हम यूज़र्स को पे करने जा रही है सिर्फ़ इसलिए कि हम इसके होमपेज को अपनी पसंद बनाएँगे!

WAZZUB is a Brilliant Concept

WAZZUB is a Brilliant Concept -- It has NEVER been done before.

80,000+ members have registered in the first 12 days!!

WAZZUB is the first truly global community that pays its members for doing NOTHING different than what they are currently doing every day.

It is not MLM (multi level marketing) -- WAZZUB is very special!
No other company has ever offered 50% of all its profits to those people who join for F.R.E.E. and stay F.R.E.E. -- NEVER pay anything.

WAZUB is a multi-billion dollar project. 
It has been in the making since 2007 with over $2 million already invested.

It's the new Perfect Internet Phenomenon.
It's here to stay and you are one of the first in the world to know about it.
Only those who register before the 31st March will become WAZZUB Profit Sharers. They will have the chance to earn UNLIMITED PASSIVE INCOME every month for LIFE!

If you want to be a WAZZUB Profit Sharer, you must hurry, 99.99% of the world doesn't know about this yet.

Step One: Go to :
Step Two: Write Your Name
Step Three: Enter your email
Step Four: Click Join

Don't forget to check your mail,Go There and varify your email.After that You will receive a mail containing your id and password,login your id from the login page and you will receive your sponsoring LINK.That's all.

Wazzub Blog Current News

Welcome to our WAZZUB Family

Let's Discover the Power of "We"

Primeira Palestra em Portugues:

Sabado 10/Marco/2012 - Foi Gravada.


Italia Webinar Hosted by Country Manager: Andy 

Ciao a tutta la famiglia di WAZZUB

Sabato 10/03/2012 alle ore 16.00 appuntamento MOLTO, importante per tutto il popolo italiano

IMPORTANT:  Explode Your $Factor Now

How to Enroll Charities; (Explode your $Factor) Dos & Dont's: 

Watch Recorded Webinar First. ClickHere

1. Please Read Instructions: ReadInstructions

2. Read/Print Flyer: GetFlyer

3. Get Them to Apply: ApplyHere

Conferencia en Espanol:

Wednesday 03/07/12 - 9:00 PM (EST) Espanol 

Se perdio de esta conferencia?
Fue grabada: HagaClicAqui 

Como enrolar Beneficencias; (Explote su $Factor) Hacer & No Hacer:
(Vea la grabacion de la Conferencia arriba mencionada Primero) 

1. Favor Leer Instrucciones: LeerInstrucciones
2. Lea/Imprima Volante: VolanteAqui
3. Haga que Apliquen: AplicarAqui

Brand New 19 Min. Video on How to Earn 5-6 Figure Monthly

Great News About our Social Community: 
You can now join without an invitation.

January Contest Top 20 Winners:
Congratulations to all of you!!!

Don't forget the contest for February and March are up for grabs. Anyone can win! For EXCITING DETAILS, watch Part III webinar below (9 minutes)
Win $5,000 in Cash Prizes
 From now until April 9, 2012 Watch our webinar for Details:
Part I - Part II - Part III

More Important (previous) News and Updates and past recorded webinars at the very Bottom of this Blog

Hello Global WAZZUB Family
"We are the World's FIRST Profit Sharing Phenomenon"
Daily News & Updates @ the Bottom of this Blog

Welcome to WAZZUB
The most exciting phenomenon on the Internet


The gates are closing on April 9th, 2012 (midnight Eastern Time)
So what should you do?
TAKE ACTION...Seize your future…Start promoting WAZZUB NOW

Here is what you need to share about WAZZUB :


As a free member, your goal is to spread the word far and wide as fast as you can. The more people you have signed up (for free) in your "Uni-level x 5" WAZZUB community by April 9, 2012, the more money you will make (every month with no more work to do)

Example: If you invite just 5 people to join for free and they do the same 5 generations deep, you could earn about $4,000 every month PASSIVELY for life, doing NOTHING different than what you are currently doing every day. 

What if everyone invited just 10 people? That amount would EXPLODE to:$111,110.00 every monthThere is NO limit! 
The more people you invite the more money you'll earn. Period!
Now is the time to create: massive, PASSIVE, residual monthly income for life.

Use the Calculator and Have Some Fun:   

Calculator Instructions: 
1. Type in the 1st. box the number of people YOU "will" invite
2. Type in the 2nd. box an average number of people each member in your WAZZUB family will invite "While in pre-launch from Today till April/9/12"
 The time-line is very important for you to remember:
You have only until April 9, 2012 to build your EMPIRE.
We are not MLM; we are in a class by itself.
How are we different?
Read this: Only those people who register before April 10 can qualify for this passive, residual income.

Read all the important facts at:
Read How WAZZ
UB is different:

Can't log in/Recover Password or need help?: ContactSupportNow 

How do I verify my membership/email?: VerifyHere

Follow us on Twitter: ClickHereTwitter
Start NOW and set yourself up for LIFE. Totally FREE.
Start building your WAZZUB family NOW by following the simple instructions below – this involves no “real” work for you because we have included 3 very effective promo/invitation letters*. All you have to do is enter your personal link and your signature and copy/paste the letter and send it to all your contacts, family, friends etc.
Then sit back and watch your total number of FREE WAZZUB  Family members (Times "x" $1.00) grow each day by going to the link below and entering your email address.

How do I see my $Factor?
By going to the link below, you can log in the member's area where you can see 
your  WAZZUB  Family growing and your $Factor.
Go here: LogInNow

** This is Very, Very EXCITING **
           - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

EMAIL/LETTER #1 (We've got over 40% sign up ratio with this letter)

*Send this invite-letter exactly as written: 

Subject:  [TIME SENSITIVE] Please Open Immediately!

Here is the body of the email

Dear partners,
Sometimes it is most important to act fast. Imagine a project that has the potential to become the next GooTwitFaceuPon and you have the advantage to be one of the first to join – BEFORE OFFICIAL PRE-LAUNCH.



But you have to be fast: the earlier you pre-register without any costs, the more money you can make just by inviting other F*R*E*E members.

My recommendation:

Step 1 – go here and sign up: put your personal referral link here

Step 2 – read all the important facts at:

Step 3 – read “How Is  W.A.Z.Z.U.B

Step 4 – invite your friends and partners to become a part in this success story

Hurry up, act now!

Accept my positive vibrations of Succe$$ and Happiness :-)

Together we activate the power of "We"!

Thank you,

Your name
Your phone number/contact info

The W.A.Z.Z.U.B family
Remove: If you wish to be removed from my database, please reply with subject: Remove
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

EMAIL/LETTER #2: (This one is PERFECT for Network marketers)

Subject: Wow! Have you Heard of  W.A.Z.Z.U.B?

Here is the body of the email:


Have you heard of  W.A.Z.Z.U.B?

 W.A.Z.Z.U.B, is a Brilliant Concept; It has NEVER Been Done Before ~

Make no mistake. W.A.Z.Z.U.B is a multi-billion dollar project.
It has been in the making since 2007 with over $2,000,000 already invested.

It’s the new Internet Phenomenon; it's here to stay and you are one of the first in the world to know about it. So, it's very important to understand what you have in your hands. This Baby WILL go VIRAL.

~ Timing is Everything ~

You can set yourself up for life financially - for F*R*E*E -
and earn Massive Passive Residual Income every month like nothing else out there. 
~ This can happen at LIGHTNING SPEED because it's always FR*E*E for all ~

The more F*R*E*E members you invite, the more money you will make.

You could earn about $1.00 per person in your "UNLIMITED" width x 5 generations-deepW.A.Z.Z.U.B family. (depending on the company growth)

If that doesn't seem like much, watch what happens...

You simply invite 5 friends to join for f*r*e*e-forever and they do the same 5 generations:

1st. Generation 5 x $1.00 = $5.00
2nd. Generation 25 x $1.00 = $25.00
3rd. Generation 125 x $1.00 = $125.00
4th. Generation 625 x $1.00 = $625.00
5th. Generation 3125 x $1.00 = $3,125.00
Your Passive Income could be = $3,905.00 every month for doing NOTHING different than what you are currently doing every day.

Most people will invite more than 5 f*r*e*e members.
What if everyone invited just 10 people? 
That amount would EXPLODE to: $111,110.00 per month in passive residual income for LIFE!

Here's the KICKERIt doesn't stop there. The more people you invite the more money you'll make. The number of people you can invite is UNLIMITED.
Try 20 or 30 and see what happens... IT WILL BLOW YOUR MIND!

It's a fact that most people will join because it's UNIQUE,
it's POWERFUL and it's F*R*E*E. Everybody loves  F*R*E*E.

~The sky truly is the limit here at W.A.Z.Z.U.B ~

My recommendation:

Step 1 – go here and sign up: put your personal referral link here

Step 2 – read all the important facts at:

Step 3 – read “How Is W.A.Z.Z.U.B Different?

Step 4 – invite your friends and partners to become a part in this success story

Hurry up, act now! 
99.99% of the world doesn't know about this yet.

Accept my positive vibrations of Succe$$ and Happiness :-)

Together we activate the power of "We"!

Thank you,

Your name
Your phone number/contact info

The W.A.Z.Z.U.B Family

Remove: If you wish to be removed from my database, please reply with subject: Remove

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

EMAIL/LETTER #3: (This one is PERFECT for friends and family)
Subject: Wow! Have you Heard of  W.A.Z.Z.U.B?
Here is the body of the email:
Get Paid to Turn on Your Computer.


Yes, It's true!...

I've just joined  W.A.Z.Z.U.B and you should too.

Do you know why?...

W.A.Z.Z.U.B is the first truly global community that pays its members
for doing NOTHING different than what they are currently doing every day.
Yes, you'll get paid and all you'll have to do is choose W.A.Z.Z.U.B as your home page on April/10/2012 when they fully launch their state-of-the-art home page. That's it!

~ This has NEVER been done before! It's the NEW "Perfect" Internet Phenomenon ~

Check it out and join for F*R*E*E.

You could earn UNLIMITED PASSIVE INCOME every month for LIFE!

But you must hurry, 99.99% of the world doesn't know about this yet.

Go NOW:  put your personal referral link here

Together we activate the power of "We"!

Thank you,

Your name
Your phone number/contact info

The W.A.Z.Z.U.B Family

Remove: If you wish to be removed from my database, please reply with subject: Remove

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
 Is WAZZUB a scam?
You Decide...
First, we have to say that we take every comment serious and even critical posts are welcome. This is a free world andW.A.Z.Z.U.B is an open-minded community. We do not expect that everybody loves what we do, because we understand that it’s impossible to please everyone. But we do expect the same respect that we show for every person we meet.

Unfortunately your comment is not just critical but extremely insulting. Nonetheless we invested time to read and understand your arguments and it seems that you draw some wrong conclusions from the info that you found on the Internet.

1. Whois search for

Your statement:

“We should note that the domain expires around the same time as this site supposedly launches”

Well, the Expiration date of a domain shows for how long the registrant paid in advance for this service. For example, one of your registered domains, expires Oct 18, 2012. We would never conclude from this that you will run out of business on that day.

2. Scam search

Your statement:

“and we find there are indeed reports against this company spanning several years”

You can easily see that the company names are different and that this thread is dated back in 2006. None of the data provided there correlate with our data. The only post that tries to create a connection to our company is the newest one, posted a few days ago by a user named “Kooiii“ (just a wild guess that this is you).

3. Company registration

Your statement:

“this returns further confirmation that this is indeed a scam as the registration data does not match the company profile being promoted”

There is one official source for info about companies registered in Oregon and that is the website of the Secretary of State of Oregon. In our officially filed Articles of Incorporation (Section II) is written:

“The purpose for which this corporation is organized is to engage in any business or activity not forbidden by law…”

Where ever you found the babysitting and laundry stuff, if you reveal the source to us, we will contact them to ask for correction.

In the end you named our project a “definite scam” and give us a bad name. For sure, this is going too far and it is unlawful in many jurisdictions. However, we believe that you’ve just misinterpreted some things and that your post is not atry to promote your own project

The “Kooiii Business Resources and Social Community” seems to be a nice concept and we wish you a lot of success with it. If you strictly follow your own rules we assume that you are a fair businessman and you will post our answer in addition to your post about 
W.A.Z.Z.U.B, where ever you have posted it.

If you could stop your polemic style we would be happy to discuss any further question you might have about our project.

And, believe it or not, you are still welcome to become a member of the 
W.A.Z.Z.U.B Family; together we could activate the Power of “We”.

Our best wishes and a happy New Year!

W.A.Z.Z.U.B Team

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The Truth about WAZZUB or is Coca Cola really a scam?

Dear WAZZUB  Family,

There are some articles out there on the Internet that state some “Facts” about our project and/or our company and then draw conclusions, most of them wrong. We do not have the time to answer on every single statement but we would like to give some general answers as follows:

1. Is WAZZUB a real company or a fake?

WAZZUB is a real company registered under the laws of Oregon, USA and running its headquarters in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. We are an early-stage startup company that is still before launch of their main website. That means, we are still in development and many things will change during pre-launch.

2. Is your “Headquarters” a real office or just virtual?

Our Las Vegas office is a real office. Right now (Mon, Jan 16, 12:30pm) there are 5 WAZZUB Team members present and working. We are using the services from Regus, that means, we have our own office space but we share receptionist area, conference rooms, kitchen and other services with other companies.

Again, we are an early-stage startup and until we earn “real” money after launch we are on a budget. There is no need to invest into a fully owned office right now.

3. What about your registered office – there are a lot of companies registered at the same address - why?

For tax reasons most U.S. based companies have their companies registered in a different state than their HQ is located. There are special companies offering services as a registered agent but they are not involved in the actual business of the company. The name of our registered Agent is Cathy Halverson and she is the registered agent for several hundred companies. That does not mean that our company is related to any other company that is registered at this address and for sure it is no sign that we try to hide something or that we are a scam.

By the way, the most famous “registered office” address is used by more than 200,000 businesses. This address has its own page at Wikipedia. Check it out:

For example, Coca Cola is registered there, as well as General Motors, Google and Verizon. Nobody would conclude that they are hiding something or that they try to scam people. It is our goal to make WAZZUB one of the big brands on the Internet and, following the advice of our CPA and attorneys, we set up our company structure as it should be – right from the beginning.

4. Why did the data on the Whois database for and change twice within a few months?

When we found the perfect name for our project – WAZZUB – back in June 2011, the company was not yet founded; therefore one of our main investors registered the domains under his company name. After our company, GIT Global Investments Inc., was registered, we changed the Whois data including the address of our registered office. Now we opened our HQ and so we changed the Whois data to our operational address.

5. Who is the owner of your company?

WAZZUB is owned by several investors. Right now they are building the team of directors and managers that will run our project after launch. There will be a page with all the important members of our team after the team is completed. Our Marketing Director Gee DaCosta is not one of the initiators; he is the team member that is most important now - during pre-launch.

6. You can find some info about Gee and his history in the MLM and Network Marketing industry. Is he just hopping from business to business?

WAZZUB is not a network marketing company and it is not MLM. But we needed the skills of an experienced online marketer and Gee is the perfect match - and WAZZUB is the perfect business for Gee. He is very happy that he has found his “final” business and we know that WAZZUB will change the life of many, many others who are still on the search for the perfect internet opportunity.

7. You claim to have already invested more than $2 million into WAZZUB. Why is your pre-launch website and members’ area so “simple”?

The money has been invested into the main project, not into the pre-launch pages. We are totally overwhelmed by the hundreds of thousands of members signing up. Unfortunately, this huge traffic caused some “challenges” like a lack of server capacity and more than 350,000 verification and password emails to be sent out. Most of our bugs and glitches are caused by the huge number of members that like our project.

If we would have a pre-launch website with a lot of flash and video content it would slow down our servers dramatically. That is why we just kept it simple.

Our state-of-the-art home page that will be launched on April 9 is a totally different story. Secured by several pending patents, it will be a totally new way to surf the Internet.
8. But there are so many search engines and home pages on the Internet. Is WAZZUB just another useless search engine?

Oh, WAZZUB is so much more than a search engine. Imagine this: you start your Internet browser and find yourself on the perfect home page. There is a powerful search engine, the latest news exactly on those topics you are interested in,messages from your friends and family, the best deals on the Internet and useful links to your favorite websites. Imagine receiving valuable gifts and bonuses, just for using this powerful tool as your personal home page.
9. You promise to pay a lot of money to your pre-launch members. Where is that money coming from?

We will monetize our website exactly the same way as companies like Google, Facebook, AOL and Yahoo monetize their websites - by displaying ads and special offers. The big difference is that we share profits with our pre-launch members. 50% of all profits will be paid to our pre-launch members just by joining for free and setting up our page as their home page.
10. Is there a risk when I join WAZZUB?

We keep your data safe and never share it with third parties. You never have to pay us a single $ to get your share of our profits. Your only risk is investing time to invite other members. If nobody likes our final page we would earn no money and there would be no profits to share…BUT…

GUESS WHAT? - We know for sure that won’t happen!

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How to Verify Your Account When You 
Received No Verification Email

Simply click this link and follow the simple steps: VerifyHere



We've just been informed by one of our faithful members that there's an email
going around pretending it's from WAZZUB asking for your personal details/information.
This is a fraudulent email. 

WAZZUB will NEVER ask the members for their personal details
via email.
Before launch day, WAZZUB will have a profile page in the members area that
you will need to fill out with the details that are required.
Please beware, never respond to emails like this one (below "the English is bad too") specially if it's NOT
coming from

The sender is  noreply.wazzub and it's a google email <>;
Here's is the fradulent email:

hello member (your name here)

wazzub our team is very happy for your service provided and we thank you for your effort
  we always trust in your work
Thank you for your patience, your support and pro-activity. We are proud to have youwith us; 1.7 million members in over 180 countries.
We know that some of you, it's like WAZZUB is a part of your life for years, but to tell the truth, it is only 6 weeks since our official pre-launch began.

that why we need some information for you since you are among the first who maderegistration and our director in Tunisia
send us your information on this address:

-your address in Tunisia (precisely)
-your phone number (always on)
-bank account number
-Your email address (and specifically your password mail) for the security of yourcoordinates
CIN number, identity card
-passport number (if available)
-password wazzub (permanently)
-Your email address (and specifically your password mail) for the security of yourcoordinates

send us these information as soon as possible to the ranking member of wazzub
thank you for your attention.

With your success,
Your team WAZZUB
____________________________Dear WAZZUB Family,

First we have to say “THANK YOU!” to the members that have tested our new WAZZUB Community.

The good news first: No major issues appeared! We tested from different browsers and all testers were able to register, to verify, to login, to set up their profile and to test the different features like making friends, posting messages, creating clubs and chatting through our instant messenger.
All testers love the design and the functions, but we found some small glitches that need to be fixed before we are able to open the doors of our WAZZUB Community for all of our members.
Our Programmers just reported that it will need up to 48 hours to fix everything. Having in mind that FB shut our page down less than a week ago and that we had our unexpected down time due to the name server issue, it is really amazing that we will have our own WAZZUB Community within a short time frame of less than 10 days.
We know that for some of you it feels as if WAZZUB is a part of your life since years, but to tell the truth it is just 6 weeks ago since our official pre-launch started.
Within 6 weeks we have experienced 3 downtimes (11 days in total), a hacker attack, a flood of scam accusations and FB shutting our communication down. But look what we have achieved: more than 20,000 followers on Twitter, 1.7 million members and our website is listed among the Top 1000 of the world’s most visited websites.
There is only one reason for this outstanding success: Our Members!
Thank you for your patience, your support and your pro-activity. We are proud to have you by our side; 1.7 million members from more than 180 countries.
With Your Success in Mind,
Your WAZZUB Team